About the Journal

A message from WASOT President

Toxicology a lean discipline in Africa in spite of its central role in public health especially predictive and preventive medicine hitherto remain without a voice. That such a scientific endeavour which holds the answer to the innumerable animal and human health challenges in a continent that is already over-stretched by communicable diseases is enigmatic. At sundry times and diverse scientific gatherings, Toxicologists from the West have encouraged us to grow Toxicology as a stand-alone discipline and to ensure its application in the welfare, wellness and well-being of Africans especially in Sub Sahara. The birth of West African Society of Toxicology accentuated our desire for a voice.

Toxicology Digest is a precocious child born in due season to address the jagged and yawning academic lacuna, to harmonise research and researching in the ever growing and expansive field of Toxicology with the aim of both eliminating duplicity of purpose and articulating efforts of Toxicologists in Sub Sahara Africa. Toxicologist Digest will never be like the other journals characterised by self-plagiarism and salamic slicing, often never reviewed and mostly only consulted in appraisal exercises, from this region floated by dishonest and devious researchers to assuage their promotional and titular tastes. God forbid. Today we are privileged in history to witness the birth of the official journal of the West African Society of Toxicology: TOXICOLOGY DIGEST!

On an indelible note I thank the editorial team from across the globe who have made this possible. To the Toxicologists in this region and beyond, identify with Toxicology Digest and make it a source and resource for acquisition and dissemination of novel toxicology data and information henceforth.