Condition Factor and Hepatosomatic Index of Ptychadena mascariensis Exposed to Crude Oil


  • Nafagha-Lawal, Magdalene Okeh Center for Marine Pollution Monitoring and Seafood Safety, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria Author
  • Sikoki, Francis David Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria Author
  • Georgewill, Onwunari Abraham Department of Pharmacology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria Author


Amphibian population declines have been reported and many causes have been implicated which include habitat alteration, environmental change and pollution. Unfortunately, not much is known of the effects of crude oil pollution on the species. This study therefore investigated the haematological changes associated with exposure of the frog, Ptychadena mascariensis to sub-lethal concentrations of the water-soluble fractions of crude oil using static renewal bioassay system for 12 weeks. Water parameters were also monitored throughout the duration of the experiment. Water quality parameters remained within the ranges for water bodies in the Niger Delta with no significant differences between the control and treatment groups. The results revealed that crude oil had a negative impact on the frogs and showed dose-dependent reductions in K and HSI values. However, the values of K were not significantly reduced in the test groups compared to the control groups (p>0.05). HSI values were significantly reduced in the test groups compared to the control groups (p<0.05). Given the frequent cases of oil spills in the Niger Delta which expose frogs to persistent levels of crude oil in the environment, there are possible long-term effects on the physiological well-being of the frogs as demonstrated by the results of this study.

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How to Cite

Okeh, N.-L. M., David, S. F., & Abraham, G. O. (2024). Condition Factor and Hepatosomatic Index of Ptychadena mascariensis Exposed to Crude Oil. Toxicology Digest, 4(1), 65-73.
