Studies on the Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Axonopus compressus (Swartz) P. Beauv on Some Growth Parameters and Phenolic Content of Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.


  • M. C UZOMA Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, University of Port Harcourt Author
  • S.I MENSAH Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, University of Port Harcourt Author
  • E.B OCHEKWU Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, University of Port Harcourt Author


Allelopathy, Aqeous extract, Axonopus compressus, Phenolic content, Kalanchoe pinnata


Plant-plant interactions could either be positive (stimulatory) or negative (inhibitory) to one or both plants involved, and the degree/level of positivity or negativity of the effect varies depending on the plants involved in the interaction. Studies were conducted to check the allelopathic effect of a neighbouring weed, Axonopus compressus, on the important medicinal plant, Kalanchoe pinnata, with special emphasis on the effect on its morphology, chlorophyll content, and phenolic content (which is the main active bioconstituent responsible for its medicinal properties). The experiment was carried out in a screenhouse by treating (watering)
Kalanchoe pinnata every two days with 50ml of different concentrations (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% treatments) of 0.5g/ml stock solution of aqueous extracts of Axonopus compressus; and the parameters studied include shoot length, number of leaves, leaf area,
root length, number of roots, fresh weight, dry weight, total chlorophyll content (TCC) and total phenolic content (TPC) of the treated Kalanchoe pinnata. Results from the experiment showed that, for all parameters studied, the treatments were significantly (P≤0.05) higher than the control. The morphological growth parameters, total chlorophylls content, and phenolic content of K. pinnata showed increased yields compared to the control, thereby establishing that aqueous extract of A. compressus showed a positive (stimulatory)
allelopathic effect on K. pinnata. Therefore, A. compressus could be used as phyto-fertilizer by incorporation into the soil in medicinal gardens, as this could enhance the morphological growth parameters and boost secondary metabolite production of K. pinnata considering its economic uses as an important medicinal plant in Nigeria and Africa at large.

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How to Cite

UZOMA, M. C., MENSAH, S., & OCHEKWU, E. (2024). Studies on the Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Axonopus compressus (Swartz) P. Beauv on Some Growth Parameters and Phenolic Content of Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. Toxicology Digest, 4(1), 74-93.
