Determination of Heavy Metals Concentration in the Muscles and Gills of two Species of Fish (Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus)


  • Usman Bawa Department of Biological Sciences Bayero University, Kano Author


Heavy metals, Bioaccumulation, Pollution, Lead, Cadmium


Presence of heavy metals at high concentration in edible fish might lead to some health issues for consumers. The concentration of Pb, Cd contents were determined in muscles and gills of two common fishes Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) collected from Bagwai River Kano state using atomic absorption spectroscopy after a modified Acid digestion process. The result showed that the concentration of the heavy metals were higher in the muscles than the gills for the two fish species. However, concentration of lead were significantly higher in gills than the muscles for both the two fish species while the concentration of cadmium was significantly higher in the muscles than the gills in both fish species. The maximum metal concentration was measured for Cd (0.886±0.012 mg/kg) in muscles of clarias gariepinus, followed by (0.791±0.524 mg/kg) in the gills of clarias gariepinus. The concentration of Pb in the fishes ranged from (0.283±0 mg/kg) in gills of clarias gariepinus to (0.016±0 mg/kg) in the muscles of Oreochromis niloticus. Analysis of variance result revealed a significant difference p<0.05 of concentrations of heavy metals Pb, 
Cd between two species and also between gills and muscles. Despite the detection of heavy metals in the edible tissues of investigated fish, the concentrations were within the recommended maximum residual level of FAO/WHO and EU.

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How to Cite

Bawa, U. (2024). Determination of Heavy Metals Concentration in the Muscles and Gills of two Species of Fish (Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus). Toxicology Digest, 4(1), 120 – 130.


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