Review of Artemia salina L. hatching methods and lessons for the Nigerian Ecotoxicologist
Brine shrimp, in-vivo, toxicological investigations, cystAbstract
Artemia salina also known as the brine shrimp has been used for in-vivo toxicological investigations for quite some time and different methods of hatching the cysts have been developed by researchers worldwide. However, the nigerian ecotoxicologist is faced with the challenge of availability of the cyst in small packs, epilleptic power supply and dense population of scientists in the hinterland who may not have access to natural seawater, therefore there is need to develop a kit that can work for nigerian scientists. This review thus highlights some of the existing methods used in hatching the cyst, comprehensive details of the methods were given, prospects and constraints were listed and the design of NigArtoxKit is proposed. Hatching the brine shrimp requires continous aeration and illumination in a saline medium so the design of the kit should consider identification of artemia strain most suitable for nigerian environment with diverse regional weather variations. Alternative medium to seawater must be explored while source of power for continous aeration and illumination can be incorporated into the design.
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