Effect of Rice Milling Activities on Water Qualities in a Major Rice Producing Area of Southeastern Nigeria


  • Ifejimalu Augustine Chukwuemeka Department of Agriculture, Federal University Ndufu – Alike, Ikwo, Ebonyi State. Author


Rice milling activities, water qualities, permissible standard, waste dumping


A research was conducted in 2015 and 2016 to evaluate the effects of rice milling activities on water qualities in a major rice producing area of south-eastern Nigeria. Samples were collected from a tap water at Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management,
FARM, EBSU (control) and Onuebonyi river within the site at three points: upstream (W1), midstream (W2) and downstream (W3) to assess water quality. Results for water qualities showed that respective temperature values for control, W1 W2 and W3 were 25.00C, 29.200C, 29.00C and 28.500C in 2012 and 26.00C, 29.500C, 29.500C and 29.500C in 2013, which was higher than World Health Organization permissible standard of 230C. Water quality parameters of the rice mill site (W1, W2 and W3) were in most cases higher than the values obtained for control area; and the WHO permissible standard limit. There should be proper fencing off of ponds and river with concrete platform that will not allow run-off to enter them. Washing of scrap metals in water bodies should be discouraged. Waste dumping in water ways should be controlled by effective monitoring and legislation

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How to Cite

Chukwuemeka, I. A. (2024). Effect of Rice Milling Activities on Water Qualities in a Major Rice Producing Area of Southeastern Nigeria. Toxicology Digest, 2(1), 61-83. https://toxicologydigest.org.ng/index.php/home/article/view/16


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